Marriott's Ocean Pointe

Current Listings

Listing ID Price Points/Beds Expires in Year Unit Number Unit Type Use Period Week Number
5249 7500 2 Oceanside Annual Gold
5632 2 Ocean Front Annual Platinum


Marriott’s Ocean Pointe (Palm Beach Florida) Marriott’s Ocean Pointe is located in the Atlantic side of Singer Island in Palm Beach Florida. Breathtaking ocean views surround this beautiful ocean get away. The resort offers two bedroom lockout villas that are apporx 1266 sq.ft. that sleep eight, or three bedroom lockout villas that are approx 1584 Sq.Ft. and sleep ten. There is many things to do in the surrounding area such as, the greyhound races and the polo fields.Charting a boat and scuba diving are also very popular  on Singer Island. There are 2 fitness centers located on site at the resort as well as tennis courts, heated pools, and restaurants. There is a playground for children and four pools and whirlpool spas. This is a relaxing vacation destination surrounded by beautiful ocean landscapes and amenities everyone can enjoy.
There are Two View Categories:

Ocean Front and Ocean View


There are Three Seasons:

Platinum wks. 1-17, 51,52

Gold wks. 22-34

Silver wks. 18-21, 35-50

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